Kayak Stories First Day 2003 - Kayaking SnowBanks
March 16, 2003
Sunday the 16 th of March my wife Maureen and I could not resist the warm 60 degree F temperatures and went for our first Kayak run of 2003. What a fantastic day with tons of snow on the banks of The Thames river near London, Canada and water levels just a little above normal the current was real nice. Because of snow conditions we could not launch in Springbank Park as usual and had to launch at the Boat ramp two miles back up-steam. We were under way and the dam being open at Springbank meant that we could zip right through there. I kept looking at the slopes on each side of the river, thinking that it might be fun to slide down the slopes into the water and when I found a reasonable slope, I tried it and it was neat. Four miles into our trip we came to a new bridge construction with the bridge laying across the river, not on it's pillars yet so we only had 18 inches of clearance and ducked our heads to get under the massive structure and made it just fine. The ten sets of rapids were working nicely and we had a blast. For the first time during our outings we saw two large deer. I expect that the deer were used to not seeing any action in this area and they were quite surprised by our appearance and took off up a very steep slope at about 60 degrees. Quite a pretty sight with there white tails flying as they ran. About six miles into the run we noticed a pretty steep slope covered with lots of snow so I thought that it would provide a rush and I dragged my Kayak up about thirty feet and had a tough time keeping from sliding before I was ready but made a decent run down the slope into the water, so that was fun so I tried it again and this time I started sliding before I was ready and got off on a different track which put me airborne before I hit the water and the nose dipped and filled the Kayak with 32 degree water. With the sun out I dried off fairly quickly and we searched for a milder slope and did a few more runs into the water. After almost five hours we had traveled about seven miles and were at our destination near Killworth Bridge and dry clothes. We had a great day and I have posted a few photos at We checked the river this Thursday and decided to wait as water level was about six feet above normal and it was really screaming and then this morning the authorities banned all boating on the river until levels go down some.
There should be some great paddling in the next few weeks so send me a note if you want to join us.
Another Great Day
Flood Waters
March 23,
We had a great run down the Thames again today, Sunday March 23, 2003 and
this time the water was fast approx 10 miles per hour. We started at Fanshawe
dam on the east side of London and finished 8.1 miles west at Wonderland Road
for a total time of 1 hr and 45 minutes including photo stops and our fastest
speed was 15.2 MPH. I expect that we could have done it in 1h:25m or even
faster if we had paddled harder. The air was only 45 degrees F. so fingers were
cool but a great rush for us with the largest rapids at 4.5 feet from trough to
crest at Gibbons Park in London. These were our biggest Rapids yet and what a
blast. We could usually find calm water near shore in the flood plains. We are
looking forward to great conditions to last for a while so if any of you want to
go for the wild stuff, give us a call and arrange a next day excursion down the
Thames here in London, Ontario.
Bob Grant - London - (519) 453-9961
Putnam to London
March 28, 2003
Hey, what a day. We woke early and loaded up and were on our way by ten AM. Dropped our retrieval car off at Hwy 100 on the South branch of the Thames because the day before we had scouted out starting points farther east at Woodstock and then at Thamesford but in the end decided to not go quite so far and put in at Putnam Road which is the farthest east that we have started so far. By the time we arrived at the starting point it had started to rain and quite heavily so we decided to give it up and go home and wouldn't you know it but by the time we returned to our destination point, the rain had stopped and it was rather clear again so off we went back to Putnam Road. The river at Putnam road looks much smaller than it is closer to London and I think it was only about fifty feet wide and the water was still about two feet higher that normal summer levels so it was moving along at five miles per hour or so.
We got started and took a few photos with our Dachshund, "Flash". The Ducks, Blue Herons, and Canada geese were out in much larger numbers than we had seen before. Large flocks of ducks and Canada geese (hundreds) would take off as we approached them. It was quite a site. Blue skies filled the day with great scenery and areas that we had not seen before and with the water being high we could paddle though many of the flood plains and through some interesting trees and the reflections were amazing. We came to the Old Mill Falls near Dorchester and the extra water made it so that we could paddle right up to the falls as you can see in our photos so that was pretty. We took off from the Mill and headed to our destination and arrived at the car after three and one half hours of paddling and picture taking. We had a good paddle although it was longer than we had anticipated. Any of you who live close enough are invited to join us for some great recreational Kayak Paddling. Phone - (519) 453-9961 London, Ontario, Canada
Kayaking Icicles & Sun
April 6, 2003
Sunday April 6, 2003 my wife Maureen and
myself (Bob Grant) did a short run on the south branch of the Thames
River starting at Airport Road and ending at Egerton Street (5 miles).
The trip took us a little less than two hours and the water was
moving at about five miles per hour. There was a great abundance of
ducks and Canada geese and lots of other small birds and as always
the Blue Herons.
Today the water was high enough that we never had to negotiate rocks
and it was clear sailing. Air temperature was about forty degrees F
and very sunny making a no gloves day quite warm. We found a couple
of bay areas where a skim of ice had formed and it was neat zipping
through the ice. Today was special in that there were large amounts
of ice on the trees some hanging over the water and it made for some
great photos as seen on our Photo pages 2003.
We had a nice relaxing run and do hope to join up with many of you
real soon.
Ausable River Gorge Awesome
Friday, April 11, 2003
Ausable River Gorge Love it
Saturday, April 12, 2003
St. Marys to London - Our Longest
Sunday, April 13, 2003
Sault St. Marie Canada - Cedar Strip Kayak
Saturday, April 19, 2003
We made a six hour drive to Sault St. Marie to visit my Brother Gavin and while there I was able to try our his newly finished 17 foot Cedar strip homebuilt Kayak. The Kayak looks magnificent with an unbelievable finish with inlayed dark mahogany strips. We did not have a sunny day but I was anxious to try it out and so we went to a river close to Gavin's home a launched the beauty. I was a little nervous about the tipsy situation but soon became used to the feel and realized that it was great and it glides through the water so effortlessly and tracks straight as an arrow. We took a few photos and I will post them on our photo pages.
Ausable River Gorge
Saturday, April 26, 2003
Saturday April 26 we had another go at the Ausable river and this time we started at Kerwood Road and right away, what a surprise as the water was about three feet lower than the last time we paddled it two weeks ago. Our destination would be Eric's cottage near Hwy 21 as we had asked if he would be there on Saturday. A real nice sunny 60 degree F day but the water was moving slowly. As we started there were six canoes with a Scout troop paddling from our starting point but they were only going to Sylvan bridge and we saw them again when we stopped to take photos of two fishermen who were pulling in a 8 pound Pickerel and were they ever excited. We continued and found that what were great rapids only two weeks earlier were almost nothing now. We soon arrived at Hungry Hollow and stopped for lunch and Flash had a great time chasing rocks but later I found out that Flash must have run through some poison Ivey as two days later my one arm and chest was covered in a wild itch and blisters so I had better wear long sleeve shirts from now on. We continued and must have passed at least forty fishermen as this was opening day for trout season and they sure we catching lots. After about five hours we were at Sylvan bridge and wishing that we had left a car there but pushed on towards the cottage only to arrive there after an eight hour and fifteen minute paddle, our longest to date and likely our last 8 hour paddle as we were whipped. Maureen was so eager to get on shore that she tipped her kayak while trying to scramble out and got soaked. It was a pretty trip but much too long for us. Four hours seems to be our maximum enjoyable limit at this time but the next day we had plans to enter the Sydenham Race with our new friends John and Ann Moore and the story continues.
Sydenham Canoe & Kayak Race Day
Sunday, April 27, 2003
Ausable River Grand Bend to Pinery Park
Saturday and Sunday, May 18 - 19, 2003
Saturday started out cloudy but by noon cleared and we were off to Port Franks for weekend of water-skiing and kayaking. After Maureen skied on Saturday, I paddled about one mile to the start of the Ausable that runs inland from Lake Huron and along to Grand Bend but found the narrows that start the run only three inches deep so I decided to continue down the cut to the conservation area. I putted around the conservation area for a few minutes and headed back to the cottage which is just south of Hyw 21. The whole trip took me 1 hr. - 30 minutes and it was almost dark when I arrived back at the cottage. I came real close to a Blue Heron while paddling close to shore and it took flight as I approached. I also saw a few muskrats and lots of birds. A real nice evening paddle.
Sunday morning Maureen and I decided to have go at the river from Grand Bend back to the cottage so we drove to the Bend and put in there. A beautiful morning paddling the shallow waters through the lily pads along through Southcott pines and approaching the Pinery Provincial Park. While getting close the park, I was thinking that we might see John and Ann Moore and family as they often paddle this area but as we passed through we did not see them but lots of others paddling their kayaks and canoes. We had never before seen so many turtles out sunning themselves and I even was able to pick one of them up and Maureen took lots of photos of it and others. The little guy that I picked up was very colorful so we took lots of shots of it. We had to portage at three locations across roads and at the park concession we stopped for lunch and gave Flash a chance to chase sticks and swim. about an hour later we arrived back at the cottage and went for a wild ride on Lake Huron with Eric in his 60 mph boat. Our paddling trip took a total of 5 hours with a one hour stop for lunch and photos.
Sharon Creek
Friday - June 6, 2003
Ausable River Gorge
Saturday, June 14, 2003
If you have any stories that you would like to add here send them to me.
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