DACHSIEFEST 2003 Video NOW Available $14.95
Ordering Instructions Below
Yes, it has just been held and it was a fantastic success
On Saturday June 21, 2003 our yearly DoxieFest picnic took place and wow it was overwhelming with over 120 Dachshunds in attendance and a few other breeds to keep order. CFPL TV and the London Free Press both had a blurb about the event.
We had our usual hotdogs and watermelon and this year someone was so kind as to bring a tasty salad.
There were lots of games for the Doxies and a costume award. We also had a draw for a free Wiener Dog Special Video and the winner is MARIE PATIENCE of Ancaster, Ontario.
Congratulations Marie.
Harry Booker and June Cole organized the event and did a great job along with many helpers all to be thanked greatly.
Be sure to attend next year for lots of fun.
The 2003 DoxieFest Video Available NOW so check below for ordering instructions. Thank you,
Bob Grant
DACHSIEFEST 2003 Video NOW Available $14.95
2003 Dachsiefest Customer Comments
Hi Bob,
Just wanted to tell you that Noele and I watched the 2003 picnic video last
evening and really enjoyed it. You did a great job of capturing the action
that day, and we especially enjoyed the Weiner Walk section.
Thanks for your hard work.
Deb Kunder