Paragliding video and photos, Hang Gliding Videos and Photos, Wiener Dog Videos and photos, New "THE BEST OF PARAGLIDING" video, New Book "HANG GLIDING SPECTACULAR" 2001, Hang Gliding Specialties, Hang Gliding Tandem rides, Hang Gliding instruction, Hang Gliding Links, Hang Gliding weather links, all from Bob Grant. (Skydog) Bob Grant has been a United States Hang Gliding instructor and observer. Bob Grant is a USHGA member and a Wills Wing Hang Glider pilot, Read The OZ Report by Davis Straub for Hang Gliding News Daily. Link to The OZ Report, THE BEST OF HANG GLIDING video, Wiener Dog Photos, Flying Fun, Our friend Francis Rogallo, Get it all from SKYDOG - Bob Grant.
" Now on DVD "
“THE BEST OF HANG GLIDING” from Bob Grant Productions is now available. This latest 80 minute feature presentation has many of the best shots taken on Hang Gliding excursions over the past ten years. From the excitement of mountain launches across the US to many types of towed flight, this video is a pleasure for your collection. “THE BEST OF HANG GLIDING” is ALL HANG GLIDING unlike many of our other productions that have a mix of other sports included.
From the excitement of mountain launches across the US to many types of towed flight, this video is a pleasure for your collection.
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USA - NTSC - VHS - $19.95 + $4.00 Shipping
EUROPE - PAL - VHS - $24.95 + $7.00 Shipping
For Dealer Discounts Please e-mail Bob Grant -
info@skydogsports.comBob Grant – E-mail –
USHGA Member # 11508
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