R/C Model Helicopters Copter Talk At Bottom Of Page
2008 Heli Flying in London Canada
Bob Grant Sr., and Jeff Elington Line Up Their Helis for a Day of Fun |
B-Rex and Trex 450 |
Bob's Second Fiberglas Canopy and New Stainless Landing Struts |
Hovering at the Community Center - London, Canada |
Blue Sky Day |
Hovering at London Model Aircraft Club Field - Canada |
Here is my B-Rex with my First Fiberglas Canopy and Stainless Struts |
Stainless Spring Landing Struts |
Trex 500 Flying Above the London, Canada BX 93 Balloon |
Bob and His B-Rex at Westminster Public School |
Hopped Up B-Rex |
B-rex Fly-by |
Jeff Puts on a Great Show for us |
Hoped Up Blade 400 3/D |
Bob's Trex 500 |
Bob's Blade 400 Original Canopy |
Bob's Trex 500 |
Landing Hoped Up Blade 400 3/D |
Bob's Trex 500 |
Bob's Blade 400 With a Hawk |
Hoped Up Blade 400 3/D |
The Line-up at Westminster Public School - July 2008 |
Bob's Trex 500 |
Bob's Blade 400 |
Hoped Up Blade 400 3/D |
Bob's Trex 500 |
Bob's Trex 500 Landing |
Bob's Blade 400 |
Bob's Blade 400 |
Bob's Blade 400 Landing |
Bob's Blade 400 With His Hobby Box Made in 1965 Notice Midwest Models Logo |
Video Links Here
Bob's Blade CP with the 2100 LiPo Battery |
Eric Walne's Blade CP |
A Special Effect Photo of Eric Flying His Blade CP |
The Blade CP Wound Up and Ready to Go |
First Outdoor Test Flights For Bob's Blade CP - April 2006 |
The Launch Pad |
Lift-Off |
Wow, This Is Fun !!! |
Jeff Ellington's Close-up Modification Photos
Chassis |
Main Gear |
Rotor Head |
Tail Conversion |
Cam Schiedel Flying His Blade CP in the Gym |
Helicopter Night with Jeff Ellington Helping Other Pilots with Adjustments
Jeff Keeps Near the Rafters and Lights |
Copter Talk
By Jeff Ellington - London, Canada
I am still somewhat rusty in
the flying department, I never flew 3D
manoeuvres with the old Hirobo chopper I had (it wasn't capable of inverted)
and my friend would not let me attempt it with his Raptor 30 that we have
been flying in the mean time. Hovering of all types is not a problem,
forward and reverse flight is no problem, some patterns still give me
trouble and inverted has cost me many rotor blades. Good thing blade parts
are cheap. An instructor told me long ago, "If you are not crashing, you are
not progressing". Crashing sadly is more common with rotary wings than fixed
ones. Hey I don't mind, it gives me the opportunity to upgrade and trick out
my bird even more.
Lately I have been brushing up on my spot landings, (land on small surfaces
let main rotors come to a stop then spool them up again and lift off).
Pirouettes are no problem (rapid spinning of the airframe in circles while
holding a steady hover). The latest thing I am up to is hovering back flips.
I completed about 8 or so and crashed 3 times only 1 crash required a new
rotor blade. I should really be concentrating on nose in flying (flying with
the nose facing you) but I had to try the back flips as I had a fellow flyer
egging me on. The last flip I did resulted in the bird almost getting
completely destroyed. That is when I met you guys while I was picking up
parts at AVF Hobbies
Also, I met another heli guy
this week who was having blade tuning problems at Amazing Hobbies.
Peter (the shop owner) called me and I told him I had to see him anyway due
to my crash.
It turns out that he (the guy who needed help) is interested in starting up a
heli rc
group as well --- Now here's the kicker --- This guy actually has a
commercial helicopter pilot license, the real deal. He showed me his wings
and license. It is very telling to me that he can fly the real thing, but
has trouble flying a Blade around. Man I should go get my heli license! I
just checked, the wife said no way!!!
Newsflash - The Blade is up a
running again good as ever! Flew around my
fenced in patio this morning and it seems to fly just right again (I had
only enough juice to fly for 3 minutes or so).
Compare Choppers By Cam Schiedel - London, Canada
As far as helis go, I decided that I wouldn't get one until I could fly perfectly on the computer simulator. This took a few months. Then I bought the GWS Dragonfly (a few years ago now), and got so I could fl it quite well. Fast forward flight and circuits etc. I then wanted the collective pitch, so I got the Blade CP. It is actually a really great little heli. It does take many hours to master, but you won't find a better, more precise helicopter for even $700. I then got the Blade CX to fly in the house. It really isn't a challenge at all, but it is fun. That pretty much sums up my helicopter experience. Some people are having trouble with the Blade CP, but really it's just a matter of setting it up correctly, like most things.