R/C Model Helicopters Photos and Stories
2009 Heli Flying in London Canada
Lots of us Fly Helis |
Family of Trex Helis |
2009 Weather was not as good as many years but the warm weather has lasted into December. With sunny skies a few of us got out to take advantage of the warm weather. Some of the London Model Aircraft Club members have been getting ready to fly all winter and have their combat planes tuned up and ready to go. Us Heli fliers are going to pick the nicest day and get out as well. |
December 5, 2009
Ryan Sanders with His New Trex 600 LE Nitro |
It Really Flies Nice |
Skydog's New Canopy - Trex 600 E - 298 Flights on Old Canopy |
Skydog's New Canopy - Trex 600 E |
Skydog - Trex 600 E |
Ryan Flies His New Bird |
Ben Hohner Watches as Ryan Flies |
October 10, 2009
Keith Graham's Raptor |
Smokin |
Pretty Sky |
Nose In - Wow !! Hawk in Left Bottom Corner |
2009 Heli Fun Fly A good turn out for what appeared at first to be a rainy day but by 12:30 pm the clouds broke and gave us some sunny periods for an afternoon of Heli Fun and Competition. All agreed that the Drag Races were most fun and exciting. With two pilots lined up with their helis at one end of the field and a spotter at the other end The Horn would blow and the two would accelerate as fast as possible to the other end where Mecos would see who crossed the end line first. We kept this going in two man heats until a winner was Crowned. Food and beverages were supplied and all had a great time. Thanks to all that helped organize the event. |
Frank Munzer Modeled for us in Front of the Helis and all got a good laugh |
Glenn's Raptor |
Frank Munzer |
Jeff From Kitchener Inverted |
Frank Munzer |
Bob Locke |
Frank's 600 Nitro |
A Group under the canopy |
The Food area and Cooks |
Frank Munzer |
Bob Lock's Raptor |
Bob Locke |
Jeff - Kitchener, Ontario, Canada |
Ben |
Ben Hohner's 600 Nitro |
Glenn and His Raptor - Bradford, Ontario, Canada |
Bob and Glenn |
Glenn's Raptor |
Jeff From Kitchener |
The Gang |
Set up |
Bob Locke |
Set up |
Bob's 600 Nitro |
Ben's 600 Nitro Smokin |
Guy Evans - Raptor |
Guy |
Group Photo #1 |
Frank - Trex 450 Pro |
Frank |
Bob - 600 Nitro |
Guy Evans |
Tom and Bergen Turbo |
Tom's Bergen Turbo |
Bob Grant - Trex 600 Electric |
Group Photo #2 By Mecos |
Bob Locke |
Raptor 50 |
Bob Locke |
The Fun Comp Winners Were
Timed Hover: Bob Grant Jr. 1st place, Tied for second was Jeff Vinn and Ben Hohner
------------------------------ Drag Race: Ben 1st, Jeff 2nd, Frank 3rd,Bob G 4th
______________________________ Autorotation: Jeff 1st, Ben 2nd, Frank 3rd
Mid July 2009
95 Year Young Mrs. Kay Mitchell Enjoys the Helicopters LMAC Field |
Kay and Guy Evans with his 50 Raptor |
Guy Takes Off with His 50 Raptor |
Guy Cruising Through the Clouds |
Guy Coming in for a Landing |
Ben Hohner Inverted Above a Visiting Hot Air Balloon at LMAC Field |
Ivan Inverted with His Outrage 550 |
Skydog's Trex 600 Electric |
Ivan Zooming Down Between the Clouds |
Ivan's Outrageous 550 Powerhouse |
Skydog's Trex 600 E |
Skydog's Trex 600 E Inverted |
Bobby's 600 Trex Nitro Inverted |
Bobby's Trex 600 Nitro Above the Clouds |
Trex 450 Pro and Trex 600 Electrics - My new Helis 2009 |
Skydog's Helis |
Get That 600 Up |
There She Is |
Bought Her Used From Steve in Medicine Hat, Alberta |
More |
Heli Pro - Frank Munzer's new Plane |
Frank and His Plane |
Maurice Reguadie with 450 |
Bob with Trex 450 Pro |
Bob with Trex 450 Pro |
Frank sets up Pat's mini heli |
Bob with Trex 450 Pro |
Bob with Trex 450 Pro - This a Special flying Heli |
Maurice with his 600 E |
Trex 450 Inverted at LMAC Flying Field March 14, 2009 |
Yep, It Flies |
Love It |
We were all excited with Meco's new Outrage 550 and seeing it's first flights and on Friday evening we were rewarded with a new chopper showing us excellence in Helicopter flying. This is a big heli with lots of power and Mecos will soon be doing all of the wild manoeuvres that he has been practising on the sim this past winter. This weekend we also met Ben Hohner and Dean Gayle who are both flying Trex 600 size helis and they are both doing very well. Photos follow. |
March 20, 2009 Line-up at Westminster Public School |
The All New Outrage 550 by Mecos "Shayoshnae" Goddess of Rage |
Ready to Go |
She is Off |
What a Pretty Bird |
Outrage 550 Overhead |
May 1st weekend brought some great flying conditions and Some new helis and new club members.
Photos Below
Anthony Apicciuto's new Trex 600 E |
Ben Hohner and Chopper Patrol |
Chopper's 600 Nitro Lifts Off |
Anthony and His new Trex 600 E |
Trex 600 Nitro |
Two Trex 600 Nitro Helis |
Chopper's Trex 600 Nitro Before First Flight |
Chopper Patrol and His Newest Heli |
Anthony Flies His Trex 450 Very Well |
April 5, 2009 - LMAC Field London, Canada there were likely twenty pilots flying and having a wonderful time in the warm sunny light wind conditions. Frank Munzer flew and tested his new Trex 600 Pro Electric and it went very well. I flew my Blade 400 for eleven packs so I was very happy and Mecos flew his Outrage 550 lots too.
Frank Munzer Making Adjustments on His New Trex 600 E Pro |
Test Flight Trex 600 E Pro |
"Shayoshnae" Inverted |
Mecos Outrage 550 Inverted |
We head out to the Ontario Hospital for some Fun April 2, 2009.
Ben Hohner's Blade 400 3-D with Mods |
Dean Gayle's Trex 450 |
Dean's 450 Heading for the Trees |
Dean Cruising in Front of the Trees |
Dean Flying Nose In |
Ben Hohner's Trex 600 Pro Nitro |
Ben's 600 in a Beautiful Sky |
Ben's 600 Inverted |
Ben Hohner Flies His Blade 400 3-D Inverted |
Dean Gayle's Trex 450 Scooting Around |
Ben Inverted Nose In |
Ben Gets Close to Ground |
Anthony Apicciuto Hovering indoors |
Ben Enjoys flight |
Indoor April 2, 2009
Randy's 5th Hover Flight - Anthony Watches with Delight |
Dean Gayle Hovers Nose In |
Ontario Hospital March 31, 2009.
Dean's Trex 600 E |
Dean Flies the Trex 600 E |
Dean's Trex 600 E |
Dean with Both Trex Helis |
Dean with 600 E |
Trex 600 E Airborne |
Dean Flies the Trex 600 E |
Gabriel, Majalena and Dean Gayle |
Dean Flies the Trex 600 E Close |
March 28, 2009
Ben with His 400 |
Dean with His Trex 600 Electric |
Ben's Blade 400 3-D |
Ben Hohner with His Trex 600 Nitro |
Trex 600 Nitro |
Ben's Trex 600 Airborne |
A Great Evening at Westminster |
March 14, 2009 We have been flying our helis at the club field about four times this year so far and it has been great with temperatures starting to get above 40 degrees F. Today, March 14 th there were likely about 15 pilots flying both Planes and Helis. I got a little out of control on my first pack and did some damage so went home and replaced three parts and went back out at 3 pm and had 30 minutes of heli fun. Junior was doing some incredible inverted and lots of new moves that I can't even describe. I hope that I can do half that well soon but I don't expect it will be too soon. |
Alyssa |
The Line-up |
Ryan Sanders Flies his Raptor 30 |
Ryan and Bob |
Ryan's Raptor 30 |
Ryan at the Controls |
Frank Munzer with His Trex 600 Electric Heli |
Anthony Apicciuto Flies His Trex 450 |
Chopper Patrol's Trex 500 Electric Heli |
Chopper Patrol Had a Great Flight |
Frank Munzer With His Trex 450 |
Maurice With His Mini Titan |
Maurice's Mini Titan Heli |
Anthony's Trex 450 |
Frank's 600 |
Bob Sr. - Blade 400 - Westminster Public School |
Chopper Patrol Flying Raptor 50 Nitro |
Ready to Fly |
Blade 400 3-D Upgraded |
Video Links Here
Bob's Blade CP with the 2100 LiPo Battery |
Eric Walne's Blade CP |
A Special Effect Photo of Eric Flying His Blade CP |
The Blade CP Wound Up and Ready to Go |
First Outdoor Test Flights For Bob's Blade CP - April 2006 |
The Launch Pad |
Lift-Off |
Wow, This Is Fun !!! |
Jeff Ellington's Close-up Modification Photos
Chassis |
Main Gear |
Rotor Head |
Tail Conversion |
Cam Schiedel Flying His Blade CP in the Gym |
Helicopter Night with Jeff Ellington Helping Other Pilots with Adjustments
Jeff Keeps Near the Rafters and Lights |
Copter Talk
By Jeff Ellington - London, Canada
I am still somewhat rusty in
the flying department, I never flew 3D
manoeuvres with the old Hirobo chopper I had (it wasn't capable of inverted)
and my friend would not let me attempt it with his Raptor 30 that we have
been flying in the mean time. Hovering of all types is not a problem,
forward and reverse flight is no problem, some patterns still give me
trouble and inverted has cost me many rotor blades. Good thing blade parts
are cheap. An instructor told me long ago, "If you are not crashing, you are
not progressing". Crashing sadly is more common with rotary wings than fixed
ones. Hey I don't mind, it gives me the opportunity to upgrade and trick out
my bird even more.
Lately I have been brushing up on my spot landings, (land on small surfaces
let main rotors come to a stop then spool them up again and lift off).
Pirouettes are no problem (rapid spinning of the airframe in circles while
holding a steady hover). The latest thing I am up to is hovering back flips.
I completed about 8 or so and crashed 3 times only 1 crash required a new
rotor blade. I should really be concentrating on nose in flying (flying with
the nose facing you) but I had to try the back flips as I had a fellow flyer
egging me on. The last flip I did resulted in the bird almost getting
completely destroyed. That is when I met you guys while I was picking up
parts at AVF Hobbies
Also, I met another heli guy
this week who was having blade tuning problems at Amazing Hobbies.
Peter (the shop owner) called me and I told him I had to see him anyway due
to my crash.
It turns out that he (the guy who needed help) is interested in starting up a
heli rc
group as well --- Now here's the kicker --- This guy actually has a
commercial helicopter pilot license, the real deal. He showed me his wings
and license. It is very telling to me that he can fly the real thing, but
has trouble flying a Blade around. Man I should go get my heli license! I
just checked, the wife said no way!!!
Newsflash - The Blade is up a
running again good as ever! Flew around my
fenced in patio this morning and it seems to fly just right again (I had
only enough juice to fly for 3 minutes or so).
Compare Choppers By Cam Schiedel - London, Canada
As far as helis go, I decided that I wouldn't get one until I could fly perfectly on the computer simulator. This took a few months. Then I bought the GWS Dragonfly (a few years ago now), and got so I could fl it quite well. Fast forward flight and circuits etc. I then wanted the collective pitch, so I got the Blade CP. It is actually a really great little heli. It does take many hours to master, but you won't find a better, more precise helicopter for even $700. I then got the Blade CX to fly in the house. It really isn't a challenge at all, but it is fun. That pretty much sums up my helicopter experience. Some people are having trouble with the Blade CP, but really it's just a matter of setting it up correctly, like most things.