Skydog Sports


 December 2020

The Skydog Report

Because of Covid 19 I could not go to Florida because the border is closed and I need to take my glider down South.

Wednesday December 9, 2022

Oded Kalir and Jimmy Kolynich are in Florida and on Wednesday they took morning sledders and had 40 minute flights.

Thursday looks better with Cummies. They get over one hour flights up to 4,300 feet. Rick Bremer flies until sunset as usual.

Friday December 11th. Oded and Jimmy had two hour flights at cloud base 5,200 feet and Oded flew to Quest Air or Willowtree, Paradise Air Sports. Tom Nejame flew to Quest and most of the way back to Wallaby. Great day of Flying.

Photos Below


Jimmy's Video



Oded With His New Glider Atos VQ Race




Take Off


Oded Being Towed


Oded and Jimmy




Oded On Approach


Oded Landing



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