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"NOTE" - VIDEO OF THIS EVENT NOW AVAILABLE ($15.00) - Contact Bob Grant (519) 453-9961

or E-mail

The 2004 Dachsiefest held in Springbank Park located in London, Ontario, Canada on June 26, 2004 was a huge success drawing over 200 Dachshund owners and their wonderful pets not to mention the hundreds of spectators. From our first Dachsiefest which had about thirty Doxies attending four years ago, we certainly have grown.

We have been lucky with the weather in all of those years and this year was no exception with a beautiful blue sky filled with puffy cumulous clouds. Many Doxies drove over one hundred miles to attend and had a wonderful time frolicking with their friends and it was obvious that their owners had a great time as well.

Many thanks to Harry Booker and his wife June Cole who organized the events and also thank you to the many others who helped.


If you would like a high quality print of any photo on this page. please e-mail me at the address below. I also can provide a C/D with all of the photos that we captured at this event. We will have a Video available from this event shortly.

If you did attend the 2004 Dachsiefest and we did not get a photo of you and you Doxie, Please send me one and I will add it immediately.

Many photos are below for your enjoyment and please send me a caption for the photos that you recognize. I would like to add names and where the people and their Doxies are from. Send info to


Harry Booker & Lucy


Kim Schindel's Wilber

Sharon Dufault's - Monty, Kallie & Baron


Linda Collier and Doxie - Spirit










Karen and Phil Bracewell's Gabi





Sharon Dufault's - Monty, Kallie & Baron



Maureen Grant & Flash

Harry & June's Luke


Norma Annett with Oscar Moses

Lauren Schellenberger with Ebert & Briscoe



Ada & Frank Schaefer's Micky

Sharon Dufault's - Monty, Kallie & Baron


Maureen & Her Mom Kay Mitchell and Flash

Luke says Please throw my toy


Marie holding Sadie, Ed holding Millie &

Robin discuss the finer points of dog life

Luncheon Table


Patricia with Cocoa, Francheska & Erin with Maggie

 Tamara Drake's old girl Noella and her parents Doxie Rose



Karen and Phil Bracewell's Gabi



Staffordshire Bull & Dachshund mix


Ann Miller & Maureen with Brothers Sammy & Flash

Sharon Dufault's - Monty, Kallie & Baron


Danielle Cadieux & Rosie-Forest, Ont.















Sammy & Flash

Karen and Phil Bracewell's Gabi





Sammy & Flash




Danielle Cadieux & Little Girl "Rosie"


The Erskine's Heinrich

The Erskine's Tia


Ann & Sammy - Maureen & Flash

Sammy & Flash












Liz Locke holding Ollie from St. Thomas


Luke Helps with Rope




Kay Mitchell pets Flash








Let the Games Begin











Peter Stanowski & Marley (Canadian Dachshund Rescue)



Kellie and her 5 year old Doxie Milo

St. Catherines, Ontario







Brenda Whitehead's Schatzey


Send your photo to this email address - or click here


"NOTE" - VIDEO OF THIS EVENT NOW AVAILABLE ($15.00) - Contact Bob Grant (519) 453-9961

or E-mail


FREE  21 Second  Video PREVIEW

 Click Here  

  "THE WIENER DOG SPECIAL"  Customer Comments - Click Here  

 NOW !! The Wiener Dog Video on C/D - Only $9.95 


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